Bill McGuinness – Blossom Like the Vine


Hosea 14:1-9; John 15:1-8
Sermon: “Blossom Like the Vine”


Bill McGuinness – Kingdom Building and Restoration LLP


Job 12:7-10  Romans 8: 19-22
Sermon: “Kingdom Building & Restoration LLP”

Bill McGuinness – Lightshadows

1 John 3: 1-7
Sermon: “Lightshadows”

Bill McGuinness – What Becomes of the Brokenhearted


Psalm 147:1-7, 20c; Luke 4:14-20
Sermon: “What Becomes of the Brokenhearted”


Delegation to Haiti.

The Rev. Bill McGuinness and Elder John Turnbull recently returned from Haiti after participating in ongoing post-earthquake missions. John sent these updates and photos. Here’s a sampling.  For more photos, click here.